
First Fridays – Plugin Edition

April 7, 2017

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This plugin says what it does in it’s name, “The Instagram Feed Pro”. We think this is the best plugin to display your Instagram feed on your WordPress site.

February 2017 – The Instagram Feed Pro

It’s super easy to setup and to customize the look of the feed to integrate nicely with your current site design. You can add a nice header to your feed and it will add a “follow on Instagram” button so you can increase engagement and increase your number of followers. It’s also responsive which is great for anyone visiting your site on their mobile phone or tablet.

If you are looking to add a special personal touch to your website, we would recommend trying The Instagram Feed Pro. It’s great!

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First Fridays – Plugin Edition

January 7, 2017

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January 2017 – WPtouch Mobile

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2017 is getting off to a great start. To kick-off our first, First Fridays of 2017 we want to share a plugin that is useful for anyone wanting to be more mobile friendly… WPtouch Mobile.

This WordPress plugin provides you with a mobile friendly theme automatically. It is also customizable allowing you to make adjustments to the look and feel of your website on a mobile device. The best part about this all, you don’t have to change any code on your website’s desktop theme for this plugin to work! It’s awesome!

Require something a little more robust? You can always look into the different packages which include WPtouch Pro, business, developer and enterprise. Each one offers a little something extra, like advanced font controls and premium support.

If your website isn’t already mobile friendly, you should definitely consider installing this plugin.

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First Fridays – Plugin Edition

December 1, 2016

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December 2016 – BuddyPress

This December we want to feature BuddyPress! Especially around the holidays we love the idea of bringing people and communities together, and to know that BuddyPress does just that for WordPress is what we really enjoy about it.

With BuddyPress you can make profiles, groups and niche communities. You can pose questions and create unique forums where people can collaborate and share ideas. It’s a fantastic way to incorporate communication on your website or blog. If you are looking to add a social element to your website give BuddyPress a try!

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First Fridays – Plugin Edition

November 4, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-08-05 at 2.17.38 PMNovember 2016 – WP Smush 

This month we are sharing WP Smush, another one of our favorites. This plugin helps “smush” your images. No no, not in a bad – distorted image – kind of way. WP Smush works to compress your images, which in turn helps to optimize your site and increase your page speed. It basically does all the work for you.

Don’t compromise your site, you can now have both a fast website and beautiful images with WP Smush!



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New Feature Release for SearchIQ

August 23, 2016



Ask and you shall receive. Deep search has arrived and it’s AWESOME!

Traditionally SearchIQ has only allowed 5 search fields – author, tags, category, body and title, but now we can index custom fields for any post type you’d like. What does this mean you ask? Let’s say you have a recipe website and your visitor is looking for a cookie recipe. This visitor can’t just make any old cookie recipe, they need gluten free cookies with no nuts, and they want the cookies to be low in fat. With deep search they’ll be able to find a cookie recipe that meets their specified criteria and get to what they’re looking for much faster than before. This feature is great for ecommerce sites, recipe sites, and anyone needing specific search for their website.

In addition to deep search, we’ve also made it easier for you to install a search bar on your WordPress site. We now offer a widget where all you have to do is grab the “SearchIQ searchbox” from the widgets menu, then drag and drop it wherever you want it. It will automatically install on your website. The second option is for folks who would rather have a search icon on their menu. To install the search icon all you have to do is go into SearchIQ options, select the menu where you would like the icon to be (header, footer, main, etc.) and finally, select save. The icon will show automatically at the end of the menu you have chosen.

We’re excited to provide these new search features and we hope they’ll make your site’s search functionality even easier and even more relevant.

Happy searching!

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