
What is the difference between SearchIQ Free and paid license ?

June 14, 2017

SearchIQ is working our best to make site search a great experience to users. So, we have given out lots of premium features to FREE accounts. However, there are a set of features we keep it for our paid users. They are listed as below:

  1. Higher limit in amount of documents for paid account.
  2. Faceted search
  3. Cross-domain search capability
  4. Hosted post and product thumbnails on our own image servers and distribute them out on CDN networks for fast performance.
  5. Larger time range in analytic reports.
  6. PDF file support
  7. White labeling that allows you to remove our logo.
  8. and more…

And we will constantly add more features to our paid service.

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What is the XPath and how to use it to improve the crawler accuracy?

June 14, 2017

XPath is a query language which provide easy way to select node from an XML/HTML document. You can read more about the language here.

Below we provide some examples:

  • Post title: /html/head/title
  • Short description: /html/head/meta[@name="description"]/@content
  • Post image: //div[@id="container"]/article/img/@src
  • Post content: //div[@id="container"]/article
  • Post author: //div[@id="container"]/span[@id="author"]

If you have different html structure for every post content you can set two or more XPath queries separated by comma.

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How to use meta tags?

June 14, 2017

To help our crawler extract content from your site accurately you can add meta tags to each web page. Our crawler support the following meta tags: and The Open Graph protocol

Here we provide examples of the meta tags:

<li>Post title: <code>&lt;meta =”name” content=”Page title”/&gt;</code></li>
<li>Short description: <code>&lt;meta =”description” content=”Here you can put short description”/&gt;</code></li>
<li>Post image: <code>&lt;img =”image” src=”post-image.jpg”/&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;meta =”thumbnailUrl” src=”thumbnail-40×40.png”/&gt;</code></li>
<li>Post content: <code>&lt;article =”articleBody”&gt;… here is the post content …&lt;/article&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;div =”text”&gt;… here is the post conten …&lt;/div&gt;</code></li>
<li>Post author: <code>&lt;meta =”author” content=”Author Name”/&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;meta =”creator” content=”Author Name”/&gt;</code></li>
<li><strong>The Open Graph protocol</strong>
<li>Post title: <code>&lt;meta property=”og:title” content=”Page title”/&gt;</code></li>
<li>Short description: <code>&lt;meta property=”og:description” content=”Here you can put short description”/&gt;</code></li>
<li>Post image: <code>&lt;meta property=”og:image” content=”post-image.png”/&gt;</code></li>

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What is the custom search feature and how do I enable it?

June 14, 2017

SearchIQ features a custom results page that you can modify to blend into your site’s native look and feel. To enable, navigate to the plugin’s “Options” tab and select “Use custom search” and submit to save your preference.

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What is the synonym feature?

June 14, 2017

The synonym feature links two or more words which have the same meaning. For example: If a user is searching for “cheap travel” then the search results will show all the posts related to cheap travel. However you may have posts which have discounted travel in the content, this will be skipped for the “cheap travel” search. You can manually add custom synonyms, in this case “cheap,discount”. Now, for the same query, discounted travel query will also be included.

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